Consciousness and Meditation

A lifelong spiritual seeker and long-term meditator, after many years sitting in satsang with a number of nondual teachers, I was introduced to the work of Jeffery Martin, PhD, author of The Finders, and director of the Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness, one of the world’s leading research organizations dedicated to the rigorous scientific study of the highest forms of human wellbeing, referred to as enlightenment, nonduality, persistent mystical experience, unitive consciousness, the peace that passeth understanding, etc. 

Dr. Martin’s programs have transitioned thousands of research participants to a state of Fundamental Wellbeing worldwide, helped them deepen into it, and assisted them with optimally integrating it into amazing lives. 

I began with Dr. Martin's 45 Days to Awakening course in 2021 and transitioned  during very traumatic personal circumstances (which were suddenly no longer seen as such). 45 Days was followed by Next Level Challenge, Explorers, Exemplars, an in-person meditation retreat, Thriving, Layers and Locations Mastery and the Mentors and Partners Program. You may learn more about these offerings at any one of the links below: (


I serve in a mentorship role to participants and alumni of the above mentioned programs and others and can provide specific tools and guidance for deepening into Fundamental Wellbeing. In addition to co-hosting a weekly Office Hours with the Mentors meetup through the Perfectly Okay website, I am available for individual and small group mentorship and instruction.

I enjoy supporting Finders in both early and later locations. My style of relating is casual and mentorship is offered in the spirit of Ram Dass’ quote “We’re all just walking each other home”, rather than as an authority or spiritual teacher. 

As a late location Finder, I am acutely aware of the challenges that difficult life events can present to FWB. My intuitive skill set invariably finds its way into the conversation and serves to help clients identify deeper aspects of their experience not previously recognized. As a seasoned energy healer I’m no stranger to “woo” (it’s pretty much my jam) and can assist with ancillary phenomenon that may arise tangentially as one deepens in fundamental well-being. 

In addition to working privately with clients in the awakening process, I work as part of a consortium of mentors in the area of conscious awakening. The Deepening Protocol  was created to assist in the deepening and stabilization of the awakening process. You may learn more about Deepening by scheduling a free consultation with me at our website at .